Test Your Knees: Can You Get Up on One Knee?

Test Your Knees: Can You Get Up on One Knee?

Whether you're an athlete, a middle-aged employee, or a completely laid-back young adult, understanding when to treat your painful knees from damage, might lead to a satisfying lifestyle.

 · 2 min read

Whether you're an athlete, a middle-aged employee, or a completely laid-back young adult, understanding when to treat your painful knees from damage, might lead to a satisfying lifestyle.

More than 180 million individuals in India have arthritis, osteoarthritis, stiffness, and painful knees. Furthermore, according to the WHO, joint pain affects one in six Indians and usually starts around 40. Hence, it's important to get your knees tested as you grow old or if you have any discomfort and consult an orthopaedic immediately if you need knee pain treatment.

Test Your Knees to Learn How Healthy They Are

Do you feel a crackling sound and knee pain while climbing or descending the stairs? Or Do you have morning knee stiffness? These could be signs of early osteoarthritis. Any joint or bone can develop osteoarthritis. You will find it quite challenging to move or climb stairs with osteoarthritis.

Take a self-test for Knee Health Assessment in 2 minutes and calculate your Knee Score. This score can help identify if your knees need immediate attention. A low knee score indicates that you need orthopaedic examination and consultation at the earliest. Additionally, we recommend getting an X-ray done once you turn 40 whether you have symptoms or not. This is because as an early-grade patient you may have degeneration in the knees but you may not experience enough symptoms to realise the condition.

Besides, even for ages under 40 and if your knee is aching, swollen, stiff, or hard to bend and extend, then consider getting an X-ray done for a more accurate diagnosis.

Exercises for Healthy Knees

Performing these exercises regularly can help you maintain strong and healthy knees:

  1. Straight leg raise
  2. Isometric quadriceps
  3. Isometric hamstring
  4. Dynamic quads
  5. Sit to stand
  6. Heel slide

You can find more information and exercises for knee pain treatment on our YouTube channel. Ensure that you do not engage in a workout that worsens your pain. Start slowly and gradually intensify. Consult your orthopaedic about the best exercises and start only when they approve.

What Can We Do to Help Patients with Early Knee Pain?

Our specialists provide patients with individualised care and high-quality knee pain treatment. We help you reinstate your knees by–

  1. Performing a 5-factor knee analysis and test
  2. Providing expert assistance by orthopaedicians
  3. Creating a unique and personalised knee pain treatment plan
  4. Deploying Advanced Sahaj Therapy (SVF) (if you qualify as a candidate)
  5. Monitoring regularly and following up with the recovery process

Get the Right Knee Pain Treatment Without Major Surgery with Knee Xpert!

At Knee Xpert, we provide stromal vascular fraction (SVF) based Sahaj Therapy, which is one of the best ways to ease your painful knees. It uses autologous grafting wherein the body's own natural cells are extracted from the stromal fat and injected in the knee to prevent further cartilage damage. Being a minimally invasive and safe process, Sahaj Therapy provides knee treatment for life-long mobility and pain-free knees along with benefits, such as abundant stem cells, easy tissue extraction, wound healing, and stability of tissue supply.

Contact us today for the best Sahaj SVF Therapy for treating your knee pain.

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